Witches Net

Halloween Facts

- Since 1995, trick or treating in the town of Sandusky, Ohio, has been against the law for anyone older then 14.
- It is very rare for a full moon to occur at the same time as Halloween. It has only occurred in - 1925, 1944, 1955, and 1974. The next time it is said to occur is 31 October, 2020.
- The word Halloween appeared in the Dictionary in the 1700s.
- Dunking for apples arose from a practice of divining the future. It was believed that if you could hold an apple between your teeth you would have a fulfilling romance with whomever you choose.
- According to ancient superstitions, if you stare into a mirror at midnight on Halloween, you'll see your future spouse.
- The pumpkin is one of the best sources of Vitamin A.
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